LPA's scholarship committee is now taking applications for the 2025-26 academic year.  To begin the application process, please click HERE.

During a prior year, we offered a webinar titled, The Inside Scoop on LPA Scholarships.  Much of the information is still pertinent to this new scholarship cycle.  Here is a link to the recording and a copy of the presentation.

¿Hablas español? Para obtener ayuda para completar esta solicitud, comuníquese con nuestra Presidenta del Comité de Asuntos Hispanos, Brenda Martinez, en [email protected].

Dear Prospective Student:

What an exciting time in your life! Pursuing post-secondary education is a life-changing event.  

Scholarships are given in order of preference to:

  • members of LPA who have a medically diagnosed form of dwarfism
  • immediate family members of those with dwarfism who are also paid members of LPA
  • individuals with dwarfism who are not members of LPA


Little People of America, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families. Membership is offered to those individuals who have a medical or genetic condition that usually results in an adult height of 4'10" or shorter.  Their short stature is generally caused by one of the more than 400 medical conditions known as dwarfism. Membership is also available to relatives and interested professionals who work with short-statured individuals. To read more, please visit our About LPA and Mission pages.  


As part of our service to people with dwarfism and the community at large, LPA offers educational scholarships to prospective and current students attending college or vocational school in the United States. Awards can range from $250 to $1000 (sometimes more). A scholarship committee, headed by LPA's Programs Director, will review application packets.

LPA scholarship awards shall be limited to two awards for undergraduate studies and one for graduate studies.  Ellen Highland Fernandez graduate scholarship recipients may re-apply up to two additional times. Please note that submission of application does not guarantee a scholarship award.

Some Helpful Tips...

  • Complete the online application by the deadline, April 6. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Proofread, proofread, and proofread! The Scholarship Committee considers spelling and grammar when reviewing applications. 
  • Craft a thank you letter if you receive an award. Other than being the right thing to do, if you are planning to apply for another scholarship in the future, a thank you letter for past scholarships impresses the scholarship committee.
  • Review a prior year's webinar recording, The Inside Scoop on LPA Scholarships.
  • Get involved with LPA! We are a volunteer organization.  Showing a willingness to volunteer reveals much about you to the Scholarship Committee. Ask your local chapter or district officer how you can be of service. Indicate how you plan to help with your personal statement.
  • If you need help, do not be afraid to ask! A high school counselor, college advisor, your parents, or even another college student may all be of service. You can also email [email protected] at any time with questions.

Thank you for your interest and for applying.   Wishing you much success in your educational pursuits.