Little People of America — 2024 Election
Welcome to the 2024 Little People of America election.
Voting Eligibility
- Only one (1) ballot per member is permitted.
- Only vote for the Regional Representative which represents your District.
- You must be 18 years of age, and an active paid member to vote.
- All family members in the household of the LPA member may vote.
- All ballots will be verified for member status and duplication. Any duplicate ballots will void ALL ballots for that member.
- Paper ballots received will be verified against on-line votes received. Any duplicate ballots will void ALL ballots for that member, so please only vote by paper or on-line, but not both.
- Electronic voting will end at midnight Sunday, June 2 , 2024. Please ensure your ballot is submitted before the end of the voting period. Paper Ballots must be postmarked by Saturday, June 1, 2024.
Online Ballot - Again, this year, LPA is providing online voting as an option to cast your ballot. Each LPA member listed in our database who is 18yrs or older and has a valid email address will receive an email with instructions on how to cast your vote online on or before April 20. If you do not receive an email with your ballot information by April 20, please complete the form HERE to request your voting credentials and electronic ballot. Please note that each voting member must have a unique email address. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Paper Ballot - Members who have selected to receive a paper copy of the LPA Today, will receive a paper copy of the ballot mailed to them. You may also download a copy of the ballot to print HERE.
We recently hosted a Town Hall to meet the candidates - you can view the recording HERE.
IMPORTANT - Paper ballots received will be verified against on-line votes received. Any duplicate ballots will void ALL ballots for that member, so please only vote by paper or on-line, but not both.
Ballots must be submitted online by Sunday, June 2, 2024 or postmarked by Saturday, June 1, 2024
Exercise your rights!
You will be electing your regional representative on the Board of Directors for the next three years. You only vote for one regional representative, the one that represents your district. Click HERE to view the biographies of each candidate.
Eastern Regional At-Large Representative Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13
- Joshua Maudlin
- Crystal Perry
Central Regional At-Large Representative Districts 6, 7, 8 and 9
Western Regional At-Large Representative Districts 10, 11 and 12
You will also be voting on one proposed Bylaw changes. Bylaw amendment proposals are not reviewed, approved, or endorsed by the LPA Board of Directors, though individual Directors may submit statements about them. Any LPA member may submit a proposal, and they are responsible for the content of their proposal. In the proposed Bylaw amendment, changes are marked in legislative format. A strike through shows text that is proposed for deletion and underlining shows text that is proposed for addition. [Unchanged] will mark a section where no text change is being proposed.
Thank you for your attention to these important matters that will affect the future of Little People of America.